Certified PhysioKinetix Therapists Of IOWA

Shawn Moses LMT | MMT | PKT1
Shawn is the first Physiokinetix: Mobility Certified in Iowa!
Occupation: Licensed Massage Therapist, Master Myoskeletal Therapist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Trainer, Physiokinetix Level 1 Trainer, High School Cross Country Coach
Status: I am married to my wife Tiffany and we have 2 girls, 1 is a student athlete
Professional Background: I graduated from Carlson College of Massage Therapy in Anamosa, Iowa in 1999. As an athlete, avid sports enthusiast and my desire to learn as much about the movement of the human body, I knew I wanted to specialize in sports massage and movement therapy as I embarked on my pursuit of owning a small massage business in Iowa. After I finished my diploma, my next step was to complete my professional certifications in chronic pain management, sports therapy and movement dysfunction patterns.
Expertise: After receiving my diploma, I began studying James Waslaski’s orthopedic massage. Through James Waslaski’s hands on courses, I heard about Erik Dalton’s Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy. I began taking his CEU home study courses and his hands on seminars, which is the modality I currently use to solve chronic pain and skeletal imbalance issues for a majority of my clients. I completed all Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy courses and hands on seminars to receive my Master Myoskeletal Alignment Certificate in 2018. I then focused on strength and conditioning and fitness trainer courses through International Sports Science Association (ISSA). I completed those certificates at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. Through my own personal experience of movement dysfunction, I met Paul Kelly and have begun my journey of learning his Physiokinetix Program. I completed his Level 1 certification course and mentorship in the fall of 2020. Through my sports therapy and personal training background I add proper graded exposure techniques, massage/bodywork and retraining exercises which help strengthen and improve your posture over time.
- smo3192@gmail.com
- 319-415-1868