Overview: Welcome to your Level 1-Mobility, Certification Test. If you are taking this exam you have already previously attended (2) Live Movement Science & Neuromuscular Re-Education workshops with Paul Kelly, or have taken (1) Live Workshop and our (Level 1 Home Study Course). The purpose of this exam is to test your knowledge gained during the (Live or Online) components of the Mobility Workshops. You may need to refer to your notes taken at the workshop, or manuals received at the workshop/online home study course, to pass the exam. Make sure you refer to what was taught during those trainings to answer all of the questions found in the exam.


Passing Score: You will need to receive a test score of 75% or higher to Pass the exam and receive your Level 1-Mobility Certificate


Benefits Upon Passing: When you pass the exam you will receive the following benefits and loyalties

  1. You will receive a Level 1-Mobility Certificate (Letting people know you are Certified to officially teach/practice Level 1-Mobility Techniques at your business/practice).
  2. You will receive discounts to future Continued Education Events to help foster your growth in the program.
  3. You will receive first opportunity to book future Continued Education Events.
  4. You will receive a Premium Listing on our website as a Mobility Certified Therapist (Allowing people around the country looking for Movement Specialists to find you!)


Good Luck, have fun, and remember to keep “Moving For Life”.