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The first event in a series of workshops focused on a single region of the body. 

Oftentimes, workshops go over so many different topics and techniques that we leave feeling overwhelmed. That’s why Diane Matkowski & Rebel Massage created the Jam series; they wanted to keep these workshops hyper-focused so that you leave feeling empowered and inspired. They gathered an all-star cast of industry leaders to facilitate these workshops TOGETHER. Here you will find Paul Kelly’s portion taught during that event.

Paul’s session: Building a Mobile and Robust Shoulder for Life: Evidence Informed Assessment & Treatment of Common Dysfunction

Join Paul as he explores the function of the shoulder complex with an in depth 3 dimensional look at the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; including subacromial impingement syndrome, Acromioclavicular separations, glenohumeral subluxations, frozen shoulders, thoracic outlet / inlet dysfunction and respiratory dysfunction. Paul will show a live demonstration on a shoulder treatment using manual mobilizations and table neuro training (TNT) techniques.

If you have been told you need shoulder surgery or you are a therapist that wants to know what they can do to help, this educational and inspirational video will change your mindset about how you might go about treating and retraining your shoulder. Paul’s easy to understand clinical, evidence based approach to shoulder dysfunction and training will give you the confidence to have repeatable and reliable results.

Discuss the most common dysfunctions in the shoulder that in seen in his practice and the current research for manual therapists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, movement specialists, etc. for treatments combined with neuromuscular re-education using the PhysioKinetix training system.

Watch Paul as he does a live assessment, table treatment, and movement re-education on and off the therapy table to help teach you how to build a robust shoulder and have better client outcomes.

Move from dysfunction to function!

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