
The Temple Human Performance Center offers clients who experience all forms of pain (head pain, neck cricks, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel, scoliosis, lumbago, sciatica, etc.), or any type of visceral problems, sustained relief utilizing specific types of Physiokinetix Techniques (PKT) & various other Relaxation & Integrative Massage Therapies.

Our very own PKT therapy is targeted to combat your unique bodies needs, unlike other forms of therapy that are used primarily for relaxation. PhysiokinetixTherapy is used to correct your specific pain issues or movement dysfunctions. Patients who are looking for interventions prior to surgery or pharmaceutical options find lasting success in treating their underlying aberrant strain patterns or neurological issues before seeking ‘be-all-end-all’ options.

What to expect when you come in:
– Thorough history intake and functional movement assessment
– Various Alignment Therapy treatments
– Movement re-education and postural efficacy training
– Progressive re-training plan to work on goals at home

Whatever your age or ability, let us help you create a body that can not only move, but move pain free for life!

**Sign-Up For A Free Consultation or Therapy Appointment Today**


Manual Therapy is one of the fastest growing and most effective strategies for pain, injury and recovery. Touch therapies include: osteopathic, manual treatment, neuro-muscular, structural integration, muscle activation, positional release, and active stretching.  These have proven to work on relieving chronic and acute pain in patients.  People with back pain, neck pain and other neurogenic and neuro-muscular issues have seen a significant improvement after receiving Physiokinetix Therapy (PKT). 

As the region’s premier center for helping clients with mobility, injury, preventive health and training, the Temple Human Performance offers a unique combination of assessment, treatment, training and repeat evaluation to keep our clients functioning and moving. Physiokinetix can help with head pain, radiating neck pain, neck stiffness, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel, scoliosis, lumbago, sciatica, and visceral problems, among other body issues. By receiving PKT, you can increase your flexibility, improve your posture, and decrease pain throughout your body.

The reason why PKT works better than other forms of therapy is because it breaks the pain cycles and spasms by combining muscle balancing routines with unique joint-capsule maneuvers. Our team of PKT therapists, led by industry leader Paul Kelly, moves clients through a series of interventions that make the transition from illness to wellness. We help improve the quality of life for many types of clients including active adults, fitness enthusiasts (Tri-Athletes, Runners, Cyclists, Cross-Trainers), high-school athletes, pro-athletes, and those impacted by injury (acute or chronic).

Read more about Physiokinetix below!


PHYSIO: Relating to nature or natural situations. For us, it denotes to the natural way a body should be!

KINETIX: A play on the word Kinetic which relates to or results from motion. We added the X to denote to cross patterning, which all bodies should do!

PHYSIOKINETX is a combination of methodical deep-tissue massage and joint flexibility that together improve muscular balance and alignment for optimal body performance.  PKT specifically focuses on the muscles of the spine to eliminate pain and improve mobility in the hips, lumbar (low back), thoracic (mid-back), and cervical (neck) areas. 

The reason why PKT works better than other forms of therapy is because it breaks the pain cycles and spasms by combining muscle balancing routines with unique joint-capsule maneuvers.  This allows for relief & results without surgery!

Schedule a free evaluation to see how PKT can help you reclaim the quality of life you deserve.

Do you suffer from Chronic Pain?

• Neck, lower back and sacroiliac pain

• sport or work-related injuries & debilitating pain

• Degenerative hip conditions

• Tendinitis and muscle strain (golf & tennis)

• Plantar Fascitis and gait problems

• Nerve impingement syndrome

• Scoliosis

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

• Headache and TMJ Syndrome

• Rotator cuff and other joint injuries

• Dowager’s Hump

• Hiatal hernias

• Repetitive stain patterning


Integrative Massage For chronic pain and repetitive Strain Injuries

The pain cycle is a complex chain of events which reinforce each other:
Muscle tension/pressure on nerves/stress/restricted movement/reduced circulation/Trigger points and/or irritating waste/muscle shortening.

Integrative Massage Utilizes a system of working specific areas to relieve soft tissue discomfort. The use of compression or friction strokes combined with strokes to lengthen muscle and connective tissue, deep sustained pressure, and general relaxation strokes are utilized to promote circulation, aid recovery, and disrupt the pain/spasm cycle.

Hot Stone Hot Stone is an integrative therapy approach that uses the stones to increase circulation to certain tight facilitated muscles. It also adds a grounding effect as well as sympathetic nervous system release


Fertility Massage Consists of a series of massage techniques that are used to help support reproductive health, the menstrual cycle, and your fertility. It is an effective approach to help boost your fertility naturally and helps to reduce stress in the body.

  • – Can help to reposition a tilted uterus
  • – Promotes hormonal balance
  • – Massage helps to break up scar tissue
  • – Helps to decrease stress & stress hormones
  • – Increases circulation to the uterus & cervix
  • – Improves endocrine system communication
  • – Encourages the liver to get rid of excess hormones
  • – Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues


Pre & Postnatal Massage Used to help decrease pain and discomfort as your body adjusts to all of the changes going on structurally. Prenatal massage also increases blood and lymph circulation, and decreases tension promoting overall relaxation for both mother and baby.